Y.O.T.S DAY 0.

This EP is geared to become a classic. In 5 or 6 years time when you're talking about releases that stomped an artists name in the underground history books, Y.O.T.S will be one of the titles you'll mention.

Don’t Be Mad

Auckland Based Northland MC Phulaphekt is set to drop an E.P some time in the next few months and he's been flicking us some sneak previews of his work! Don't Be Mad is a track with a slick hook and the usual melodic flow from the bro. Another banger of a track among a solid and… Continue reading Don’t Be Mad

Are we looking at the next big thing??

Producing the cleanest beats, bars and visuals, 808kidz have been dominating 2019.

808Kidz drop an absolute banger!!

We're a little late to the party but this track is relevant none-the-less. Check this out by 808Kidz. Everything about this is on point. Sas bringing the production quality out of the hood and Peter Pedro coming through with the visuals as well!! https://www.facebook.com/ProdbySaskaskid/videos/292945518011652/

Horison’s latest!!

The bro Horison dropped a little promo for his latest release Married & Happy. the video uses the beautiful St Faiths in Ohinemutu, Rotorua as a backdrop which is the same place his parents were married 25 years ago. The track is well worth the pre-order by the sounds too!! https://www.facebook.com/horisonwazhere/videos/2033114813404250/ PRE ORDER Married & Happy HERE:… Continue reading Horison’s latest!!

The 808 Cypher

Check out this sick little cypher from the bros 808Kidz. The latest in a series from 808Kidz, we can't wait to see what else comes of it!! https://www.facebook.com/ProdbySaskaskid/videos/2130254887266336/